Our Board of Directors
Our independent, non-executive Board of Directors serve on a voluntary basis, generously committing considerable time and energy to meeting their responsibilities. Together they provide a blend of experience, technical knowledge and expertise, strategic nous and wisdom. Our Board, provides advice outside of meetings, facilitates connections and involves themselves in the life of Abbeyfield wherever possible.
The Board of Directors is responsible for directing Abbeyfield Australia’s activities towards achieving our vision and fulfilling our mission. The Board is responsible for driving Abbeyfield Australia’s strategic direction, monitoring its progress and fulfilling stakeholder expectations.
Our Board of Directors and management team set the culture and ensure we are accountable to all our stakeholders – residents, employees, funders, volunteers and the communities which we work. We are always conscious of our role as stewards of the Abbeyfield history, good name, assets and the important role we play in the community.

Nandi Segbedzi
Nandi has over 17 years of experience in employment and workplace relations and law and also as a member of the Victorian Bar.
Hon. David Hawker AO
First Vice Chairman
David has 27 years’ experience as the Member for Wannon in the Commonwealth Parliament including four years as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Helen Small
Second Vice Chairman
Helen is a senior executive and has worked in the aged care, community housing, disability and homelessness services sectors.
Robert Spralja
Director and Treasurer
Robert is a qualified CPA and has operated his own accountancy and business services practice for almost 20 years.

Scott Samson
Company Secretary
Scott is a senior legal, corporate and public sector executive with a high level of government experience, government and media relations and public policy development.
David Kay
David has served on a Tasmanian Ministerial advisory committee, been a Director of the Australian Institute of Credit Management and held a number of senior administrative positions in commerce and Local Government.

Dianne Moore
Dianne is a senior executive with a background in managing finance, human resources, information technology and administration functions of several not for profit organisations in the health and welfare sectors.